Artifacts, archaeologist, studying early, humans are likely to examine

1. Tools and Weaponry: Archaeologists would examine stone tools, flint blades, arrowheads, spear points, and other early human artifacts related to hunting and gathering.

2. Pottery and Ceramics: The study of ancient pottery can provide insights into early human settlement patterns, manufacturing techniques, daily life, and artistic expressions.

3. Cave Paintings and Rock Art: Cave paintings, such as those found in Lascaux, France, provide valuable evidence of early human artistic expression and can offer insights into their beliefs, rituals, and way of life.

4. Burial Sites and Grave Goods: Archaeologists often explore ancient burial sites to understand early human burial practices, social hierarchies, and beliefs about life after death. Grave goods, such as jewelry, tools, or offerings, can provide insights into their culture and status.

5. Bone and Teeth Remains: The analysis of skeletal remains can reveal information about early humans' physical characteristics, diet, health, and even possible causes of death. Additionally, dental remains can shed light on dietary habits and oral health.

6. Stone Structures and Architecture: The study of early human structures, such as ancient stone circles, megaliths, or early settlements, can offer insights into their construction methods, social organization, and cultural practices.

7. Artifacts of Personal Adornment: Jewelry, beads, and ornaments made from bone, shells, or stones can provide clues about early human adornment practices, personal style, cultural identity, and social status.

8. Tools for Fire: Items associated with fire-making, such as fire-strikers, hearths, or burnt bones, can provide evidence of early humans' ability to control fire, which was a significant milestone in human technological advancement.

9. Tools for Food Processing: Implements used for grinding seeds, nuts, or grains can shed light on early human dietary practices and the development of agriculture.

10. Rock Tools and Cave Dwelling Artifacts: Stone tools and artifacts found within caves, such as wooden objects, baskets, or hunting implements, can reveal details about early human settlement patterns, technological advancements, and their adaptation to different environments.