Margaret is planning a wedding reception. She wants to spend less than her budget of $6,009, and Margaret has already spent $2,935. The meal price per guest is $29. How many guests, x, can Margaret invite to the reception and stay under budget?

Select the number line that includes the largest number of guests Margaret can invite without exceeding her budget.

Margaret has a budget of $6,009 and has already spent $2,935. Therefore, she has $6,009 - $2,935 = $<<6009-2935=3067>>3,067 left to spend.

The meal price per guest is $29. To find the maximum number of guests Margaret can invite, we divide the amount she has left by the meal price per guest: $3,067 / ($29/guest) = 105.6 guests.
Since the number of guests must be a whole number, the largest number of guests Margaret can invite without exceeding her budget is 105 people.
On the number line, this corresponds to the segment [0, 105).