How are algae and polyps related? The polyps get most of their food from algae? The polyps embedded themselves into the flesh of algae? The polyps receive shelter from algae? Or the polyps receive carbon dioxide from the algae?

The correct answer is: The polyps get most of their food from algae.

In a symbiotic relationship known as mutualistic symbiosis, certain types of polyps (specifically, coral polyps) live in a mutually beneficial partnership with photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae. The polyps provide a protected habitat for the algae within their tissues, while the algae, through photosynthesis, convert sunlight into energy and produce food in the form of carbohydrates. This food is then shared with the polyps, which obtain nutrients necessary for their growth and survival. Therefore, the polyps get most of their food from the algae in this mutualistic relationship.