Which statement best describes how a seventeenth century European portrait such as the Mona Lisa differs from an ancient Mexican portrait such as ballgame

A seventeenth-century European portrait such as the Mona Lisa differs from an ancient Mexican portrait such as the ballgame in various ways. One significant difference is the artistic style and techniques used.

The Mona Lisa, painted by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance period, is characterized by a realistic and naturalistic representation of the subject. Da Vinci used techniques such as sfumato (blurring of lines and edges) to create a soft, subtle effect. The attention to detail, the use of light and shadow, and the perspective employed in the painting are all common characteristics of European Renaissance art.

On the other hand, an ancient Mexican portrait like the ballgame would have been created in a distinct Mesoamerican style, reflecting the cultural and artistic traditions of the time. These portraits often depicted figures in a more stylized and symbolic manner rather than aiming for realistic representation. The use of bold colors, geometric patterns, and an emphasis on flatness rather than depth characterize Mesoamerican art.

Another notable difference is the subject matter portrayed in the two portraits. The Mona Lisa is a portrait of a specific individual, believed to be Lisa Gherardini, while the ballgame may depict mythical or religious figures related to the Mesoamerican culture and rituals.

In summary, a seventeenth-century European portrait like the Mona Lisa differs from an ancient Mexican portrait like the ballgame in terms of artistic style, techniques used, and subject matter portrayed.