t = 6m + 3

m + t = 24
Melissa and Trevor sell candy bars to raise money for a class field trip. Trevor sells 3 more than 6 times as many candy bars as Melissa sells. Together they sell 24 candy bars.

Let's start by defining our variables:

Let m be the number of candy bars Melissa sells.
Let t be the number of candy bars Trevor sells.

We are given the equation t = 6m + 3. This equation represents Trevor's candy bar sales.

We are also given the equation m + t = 24. This equation represents the total number of candy bars sold.

We now have a system of equations:
t = 6m + 3
m + t = 24

We can solve this system by substituting the value of t from the first equation into the second equation.

Substituting t = 6m + 3 into the second equation, we have:
m + (6m + 3) = 24
m + 6m + 3 = 24
7m + 3 = 24
7m = 24 - 3
7m = 21
m = 21 / 7
m = 3

Now that we have the value of m, we can substitute it back into the first equation to find the value of t:
t = 6m + 3
t = 6(3) + 3
t = 18 + 3
t = 21

Therefore, Melissa sells 3 candy bars and Trevor sells 21 candy bars.