Use two of the pieces below to build a strong opposing argument.

To reduce paper waste, all stores should replace paper receipts with receipts sent via email.

Opposing Argument
Your answer

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* Critics of e-receipts worry that

* not all buyers have email addresses. These critics point out that over 25 million Americans do not use the internet at all, according to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey.

* most customers have never used email before. These critics fear that the majority of shoppers would never get their receipts.

Critics of e-receipts worry that not all buyers have email addresses. These critics point out that over 25 million Americans do not use the internet at all, according to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey. Additionally, most customers have never used email before. These critics fear that the majority of shoppers would never get their receipts.

What's the opposing argument

Opposing Argument:

While reducing paper waste is a noble goal, completely replacing paper receipts with email receipts may not be the best solution. Critics argue that not all buyers have email addresses, highlighting the findings of a 2018 Pew Research Center survey that revealed over 25 million Americans do not use the internet at all. Furthermore, they point out that a significant portion of customers have never used email before, raising concerns that a majority of shoppers would never receive their receipts if they were solely sent via email.