How did the smallpox epidemic affect Hernan Cortes' assault on the Aztecs?

A The epidemic ravished Cortes' soldiers leaving him with a smaller force to fight with.The epidemic ravished Cortes' soldiers leaving him with a smaller force to fight with.
B The epidemic brought the people together making them more effective at fighting Cortes.The epidemic brought the people together making them more effective at fighting Cortes.
C The epidemic caused a rift in Cortes' forces as they were fighting to determine how best help the Aztecs recover.The epidemic caused a rift in Cortes' forces as they were fighting to determine how best help the Aztecs recover.
D The epidemic killed nearly half the population in a short amount of time allowing the small Spanish force to defeat the defenders that were left.

D The epidemic killed nearly half the population in a short amount of time allowing the small Spanish force to defeat the defenders that were left.