Your friend asks you to make picture frames and will give you 5 nickels for the first frame. You agree to help if she multiplies your payment by 5 for each frame completed. After 2 frames, you will receive 25 nickels, and after 3 frames, you will receive 125 nickels. Complete and solve the equation that finds the number of nickels she will pay you after making the tenth frame.

The equation that represents the number of nickels she will pay you after making the tenth frame is:

5 * 5^(n-1)

Where n is the number of frames completed.

Plugging in n = 10 into the equation:

5 * 5^(10-1) = 5 * 5^9 = 5 * 1953125 = 9,765,625

Therefore, she will pay you 9,765,625 nickels after making the tenth frame.