What is the difference between formal and informal language?(1 point)


Informal language uses jargon.
Informal language uses jargon.

Informal language is used by professionals.
Informal language is used by professionals.

Formal language uses contractions, slang, and personal pronouns.
Formal language uses contractions, slang, and personal pronouns.

Formal language uses more varied and complex vocabulary.
Formal language uses more varied and complex vocabulary.
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The difference between formal and informal language is that formal language tends to use more standard vocabulary, avoids contractions, slang, and personal pronouns, and follows specific grammar rules and conventions. Informal language, on the other hand, often includes jargon, slang, contractions, and personal pronouns and may not follow strict grammar rules.

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I apologize for the repetition in the responses. The correct answer is:

The difference between formal and informal language is that formal language uses more varied and complex vocabulary, while informal language uses jargon, slang, contractions, and personal pronouns.