What did the actions of the border ruffins demonstrate about the slavery debate? Pick 2

The actions of the border ruffians demonstrated two aspects of the slavery debate:

1. Violence and lawlessness: The border ruffians, who were pro-slavery activists from Missouri, crossed the border into the Kansas territory to intimidate and attack anti-slavery settlers. Their actions highlighted the extreme and violent measures some proponents of slavery were willing to take to defend their interests. This violence further escalated tensions between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions and contributed to the volatile nature of the slavery debate.

2. The controversial nature of popular sovereignty: The border ruffians' activities exemplified the flaws and controversies surrounding the concept of popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty was the idea that residents of each territory should decide for themselves whether to allow or prohibit slavery through a vote. However, the border ruffians' actions demonstrated how aggressively pro-slavery activists could manipulate this concept by crossing the border and influencing the vote in favor of slavery. This sort of manipulation called into question the fairness and effectiveness of popular sovereignty as a solution to the slavery issue.