The diameter of a cylindrical construction pipe is 6 ft. If the pipe is 34 ft. long, what is its volume?

Use the value 3.14 for the circumference

round your answer to the nearest whole number.

The radius of the cylindrical construction pipe can be found by dividing the diameter by 2: 6 ft / 2 = 3 ft.

The circumference of the pipe can be found by multiplying the radius by 2π (which can be approximated to 2 * 3.14 = 6.28): 3 ft * 6.28 = 18.84 ft.

The volume of a cylinder can be found by multiplying the area of the base (which is a circle) by the height. The area of the base can be found by multiplying π (approximated to 3.14) by the square of the radius: 3.14 * (3 ft)^2 = 28.26 ft^2.

Therefore, the volume of the pipe is 28.26 ft^2 * 34 ft = 959.84 ft^3.

Rounding to the nearest whole number, the volume of the pipe is 960 ft^3.