In a paragraph, describe why the election of 1896 could be considered a turning point in American politics. Be sure to consider the successes and failures of populism. Also consider what happened to the Populist Party, as well as the Democrats and the Republicans, in the years after the election.

(4 points)

The election of 1896 is widely regarded as a turning point in American politics due to the impact it had on the populist movement and the subsequent realignment of political parties. The Populist Party, which had gained significant traction in the late 19th century, experienced a major setback with the defeat of their presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan. While the populists had successfully mobilized farmers and workers, their lack of support from urban areas and key industrial states proved to be their downfall. This resulted in a decline of the Populist Party as a major force in American politics. However, the election signaled a shift in the Democratic Party, as it adopted many of the populist ideas and agendas, such as advocating for silver as a monetary standard and supporting the interests of laborers. This led to a realignment within the Democratic Party, with progressive Democrats gaining more influence. On the other hand, the Republican Party emerged victorious in the election with William McKinley as the President, effectively consolidating their power. The Republicans, who were seen as the party of big business and pro-gold standard policies, remained dominant in the years following the election, leading to a period of political and economic conservatism. Overall, the election of 1896 marked a significant turning point in American politics as it represented the decline of populism as a separate party, the realignment of the Democratic Party towards progressive ideals, and the consolidation of political power by the Republicans.