how would the imperialist might work with those whom they dominited

Imperialists typically exercise control and authority over the territories and peoples they dominate. They may employ various methods to maintain their domination and work with the local population:

1. Exploitation: Imperialists often extract resources and wealth from the dominated regions, typically through economic exploitation. They may establish trade networks, exploit local labor, or enforce unequal economic policies to benefit their own interests.

2. Collaborators: Imperial powers may identify and support local individuals or groups who are willing to collaborate and cooperate with them. These collaborators may be given positions of power and authority in the colonial administration, acting as intermediaries between the imperialists and the dominated population.

3. Assimilation: In some cases, imperialists may encourage or force assimilation of the local population into their own culture and way of life. This can involve imposing language, religion, and cultural practices of the imperial power upon the dominated people.

4. Coercion and control: In order to maintain dominance, imperialists may use force, military presence, and repressive measures to control the dominated population. This can include imposing strict laws and regulations, suppressing dissent, and using violence to suppress resistance.

5. Infrastructure development: Imperialist powers may invest in infrastructure development in the dominated regions to facilitate their control and enhance economic extraction. This can include building roads, railways, ports, and other infrastructure that primarily serve the interests of the imperial power.

6. Education and social control: Imperialists often establish educational systems that serve their interests, aiming to create a loyal and compliant local elite. This can involve promoting imperial ideologies, erasing or distorting local history and culture, and discouraging critical thinking or opposition.

It is important to note that these methods of interaction between imperialists and the dominated population can vary depending on the specific context, historical era, and imperial power involved.