The Frostburg-Truth bus travels on a straight road from Frostburg Mall to Sojourner Truth Park. The mall is 5 miles west and 3 miles south of the City Center. The park is 4 miles east and 4 miles north of the Center. How far is it from the mall to the park to the nearest tenth of a mile?

5.7 miles

11.4 miles

1.4 miles

5.8 miles

To find the distance from the mall to the park, we can create a right triangle using the distances given.

One leg of the triangle is 5 miles (west) + 4 miles (east) = 9 miles.

The other leg of the triangle is 3 miles (south) + 4 miles (north) = 7 miles.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, the hypotenuse (distance from the mall to the park) is √(9^2 + 7^2) ≈ √(81 + 49) ≈ √130 ≈ 11.4 miles.

Therefore, the distance from the mall to the park is 11.4 miles.