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Triangle EFG is rotated 90° clockwise about the origin to create triangle E'F'G'.

Which statement is NOT true?
A If (x, y) represents the coordinates of a vertex of triangle EFG, then (–x, –y) represents the coordinates of the corresponding vertex of triangle E'F'G'.If ( x , y ) represents the coordinates of a vertex of triangle EFG , then (– x , – y ) represents the coordinates of the corresponding vertex of triangle E'F'G'.
B If (x, y) represents the coordinates of a vertex of triangle EFG, then (y, –x) represents the coordinates of the corresponding vertex of triangle E'F'G'.If ( x , y ) represents the coordinates of a vertex of triangle EFG , then ( y, – x ) represents the coordinates of the corresponding vertex of triangle E'F'G'.
C Triangle E'F'G' is congruent to triangle EFG.Triangle E'F'G' is congruent to triangle EFG .
D The angle measures of triangle E'F'G' are equal to the corresponding angle measures of triangle EFG.

C Triangle E'F'G' is congruent to triangle EFG.

Which representation of a transformation on a coordinate grid does not preserve congruence?

(x, y) → ( 1 x, 1 y)
4 4( x , y ) → ( 1 x , 1 y ) 4 4
B (x, y) → (–x, y)( x , y ) → (– x , y )
C (x, y) → (x+6, y+1)( x , y ) → ( x +6, y +1)
D (x, y) → (–y, x)

D (x, y) → (–y, x)