The statements below show the perspectives o the perspectives (2 points) Landowning small farmers Small slaveholders Large slaveholders Landless white people

Landowning small farmers:

1. They have a sense of pride and independence in owning their land and being able to provide for their families through their own hard work.
2. They may feel threatened by the expansion of large slaveholders, as they perceive it as a concentration of power that could potentially undermine their own ownership of land.

Small slaveholders:
1. They rely on the labor of enslaved individuals to maintain their economic livelihood.
2. They may view themselves as a step above landless white people due to their ownership of slaves, which gives them a perceived social status and economic advantage.

Large slaveholders:
1. They have significant wealth, power, and influence due to their ownership of large numbers of enslaved individuals.
2. They may view themselves as an elite class, superior to both landowning small farmers and landless white people, based on their economic standing and social status.

Landless white people:
1. They lack land ownership and may struggle to make a stable living.
2. They may harbor resentment towards both landowning small farmers and large slaveholders, perceiving them as privileged and benefiting from a system that keeps them economically disadvantaged.