3. Decide whether to approve or reject a bill that Congress has sent me.

Match one of the following to the number

B. Power to carry out the laws
C. Commander in Chief of the military
D. Elected with the president to hold office in the executive branch
E. May ask advisors, who lead parts of the government, for their opinion on different issues
F. Is the president of the Senate
G. Pardon someone for a crime, canceling their punishment
H. Make treaties with other countries (with Senate approval)
I. Take office as president if the current president dies, resigns, or is unable to do the job
J. Choose new Supreme Court justices (with Senate approval)

B. Power to carry out the laws

- This refers to the executive branch's responsibility to enforce and implement legislation passed by Congress.

C. Commander in Chief of the military

- The President has the authority to make decisions regarding the military and is responsible for its overall command.

D. Elected with the president to hold office in the executive branch

- This refers to the Vice President, who is elected alongside the President and serves in the executive branch.

E. May ask advisors, who lead parts of the government, for their opinion on different issues

- The President can seek advice from various advisors who head different departments or agencies, known as the Cabinet.

F. Is the president of the Senate

- The Vice President also serves as the President of the Senate, presiding over its sessions and casting tie-breaking votes when necessary.

G. Pardon someone for a crime, canceling their punishment

- The President has the power to grant pardons or reduce sentences for federal crimes.

H. Make treaties with other countries (with Senate approval)

- The President has the authority to negotiate and enter into treaties with other nations, subject to Senate approval.

I. Take office as president if the current president dies, resigns, or is unable to do the job

- This refers to the Vice President, who is next in line to assume the presidency in the event of the President's death, resignation, or inability to fulfill their duties.

J. Choose new Supreme Court justices (with Senate approval)

- The President has the responsibility to nominate and appoint Supreme Court justices, which is subject to confirmation by the Senate.