why do tool masures help with the sudanese government.

There could be several reasons why tool measures can help with the Sudanese government. Here are some possible explanations:

1. Promoting transparency and accountability: Implementing tool measures can help improve transparency within the government, making it easier to monitor and track the use of public funds. This can help reduce corruption and ensure that resources are allocated fairly and efficiently.

2. Facilitating economic development: Tool measures can enhance economic stability by promoting better fiscal management, reducing budget deficits, and ensuring proper monitoring and oversight of public finances. This can attract foreign investments and create an environment conducive to economic growth.

3. Strengthening governance and institutions: Tool measures often come with reforms aimed at strengthening governance and institutions, such as improving public financial management systems, enhancing tax collection, and increasing accountability. These reforms can contribute to building stronger institutions and governance structures within the Sudanese government.

4. Encouraging international support and aid: Implementing tool measures can demonstrate a commitment to good governance and fiscal responsibility, which can increase the likelihood of receiving international support and aid. Many international organizations and countries provide financial assistance and loans to governments that show progress in implementing necessary reforms.

5. Building trust and credibility: By implementing tool measures, the Sudanese government can signal its willingness to reform and improve governance practices. This can help build trust and credibility among citizens, international partners, and investors, ultimately fostering stability and development in the country.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of tool measures depends on various factors, including the commitment and capacity of the government to implement them, the level of support from domestic and international stakeholders, and the broader socio-political context.