Figurative language is language that(1 point)


are words that have multiple meanings.
are words that have multiple meanings.

explains the literal meaning of words.
explains the literal meaning of words.

goes beyond the words’ literal meanings.
goes beyond the words’ literal meanings.

is made up of words that contradict each other.

is made up of words that contradict each other.

Which option describes hyperbole?(1 point)


human characteristics given to non-human things
human characteristics given to non-human things

an exaggeration so extreme that it is not meant to be taken seriously
an exaggeration so extreme that it is not meant to be taken seriously

a comparison of two unlike things without using the words like or as
a comparison of two unlike things without using the words like or as

descriptions that evoke one of the five senses

an exaggeration so extreme that it is not meant to be taken seriously