a zombie that wants a hamburger

Once upon a time, in a world plagued by zombies, there was one peculiar zombie named Zed. Unlike the other mindless zombies that craved human flesh, Zed had one bizarre longing – a desire for hamburgers.

Zed would shamble through deserted cities, searching for any sign of a hamburger joint. He would occasionally stumble upon remnants of fast-food restaurants, with their empty counters and rotting food. Unfortunately, finding a perfectly cooked hamburger seemed impossible in this post-apocalyptic world.

His fellow zombies would often groan and moan at the smell of humans, but Zed would growl and salivate at the aroma of juicy hamburgers. He could remember the taste and texture, although his taste buds had long since withered away.

One gloomy day, as Zed roamed a desolate neighborhood, he saw a flickering neon sign that caught his eye – "Walter's Burgers." Zed's heart, or whatever was left of it, skipped a beat. Gathering his remaining strength, he dashed towards the burger joint, hopeful that he might finally satisfy his cravings.

Inside, the once vibrant and bustling restaurant had now turned into a dilapidated space. Broken tables, shattered windows, and cobwebs were all that remained. However, Zed's determination to find a hamburger was unwavering.

He searched every corner, his patchy hair unkempt, his hollow eyes searching for any signs of life. Then, from the rubble behind the counter, a faint sound caught his attention. Slowly approaching, he discovered a small refrigerator that had miraculously survived the zombie apocalypse, still humming with electricity.

With trembling, decaying hands, Zed opened the refrigerator. Inside, to his astonishment, were a few perfectly preserved hamburgers! They looked almost as delicious as the ones he remembered from his past life.

Grabbing one hamburger, Zed wasted no time devouring it, although he could not taste its succulent flavors. His body, fueled by some strange residue of his humanity, seemed to regain a semblance of satisfaction.

Even in his gruesome state, Zed knew that he was different from the mindless horde of zombies. He had an odd desire, something that awakened a faint memory of his former life. With this thought in mind, he swore to himself that he would always seek out hamburgers, even if his body could no longer truly enjoy them.

And so, Zed, the hamburger-craving zombie, continued his quest for the perfect hamburger, shuffling through abandoned cities, growling and groaning at the sight of fast-food restaurants, always hoping to satisfy that faint, distant craving.