which of the following are ethical standards

Unfortunately, you have not provided a list of options to choose from. Ethical standards can vary depending on the context and field. However, here are some examples of commonly recognized ethical standards:

1. Honesty and integrity: being truthful, maintaining accurate records, and being transparent in one's actions and communications.
2. Respect: treating individuals with dignity, fairness, and courtesy, regardless of their gender, race, religion, or background.
3. Confidentiality: respecting and protecting sensitive information shared by individuals or organizations.
4. Accountability: taking responsibility for one's actions and decisions, and being answerable for the consequences.
5. Objectivity: approaching situations and decision-making without personal biases or conflicts of interest.
6. Professional competence: striving to maintain and improve one's skills and knowledge in order to provide high-quality work.
7. Diversity and inclusion: recognizing and valuing different perspectives and promoting an inclusive environment that respects and appreciates diversity.
8. Conflict of interest avoidance: avoiding situations where personal interests could compromise professional judgment or decision-making.
9. Environmental sustainability: considering the ecological impact of one's actions and aiming to minimize harm to the environment.
10. Social responsibility: contributing positively to society and community, and considering the broader impact of one's actions beyond individual interests.