Paragraph 3 of "The Lady or the Tiger?" gives us clues about the story element of

plot -- we see the princess and her lover taking actions that move the story along.

setting -- we see the setting of the system of justice in this kingdom.

character -- we see the character of the princess revealed.

character -- we see the character of the princess revealed.

Paragraph 3 of "The Lady or the Tiger?" gives us insight into the character of the princess. The passage describes her as being semi-barbaric, just like the rest of her subjects. This suggests that she possesses a certain wildness and unpredictability. It also mentions that she is loved by the people, which indicates that she holds some level of power and authority within the kingdom. Additionally, the paragraph references her caged tiger, implying that she has a certain sense of control and manipulation over her surroundings. These details help shape our understanding of the princess as a complex and influential character in the story.