The measures of two sides of a triangle are 5.2 and 8.1. Determine the range of values for the third side of the triangle.(1 point) <n<

To determine the range of values for the third side of the triangle, we can use the properties of triangle inequalities. According to the triangle inequality theorem, the sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the third side.

So, we have:

5.2 + 8.1 > n

13.3 > n

Therefore, the range of values for the third side of the triangle is n < 13.3.

there has to be a number after/before n

You're right, my apologies for the incomplete response. To provide a more specific range for the third side of the triangle, we can subtract the given length of one side from the sum of the lengths of the other two sides.

n = (sum of the other two sides) - 5.2

n = 8.1 + 5.2

n = 13.3

Therefore, the range of values for the third side of the triangle is 13.3 < n.