Manual ate 1/3 of crackers on a plate his brother ate 1/4 of the crackers, there were five crackers left on the table how many crackers are left on the table to begin with

Let's assume there were initially x crackers on the table.

After Manual ate 1/3 of the crackers, there were x - (1/3)x = (2/3)x crackers left.
After his brother ate 1/4 of the crackers, there were (2/3)x - (1/4)(2/3)x = (2/3)x - (2/12)x = (2/3)x - (1/6)x = (4/6)x - (1/6)x = (3/6)x = (1/2)x crackers left.
Given that there were 5 crackers left, (1/2)x = 5.
Multiplying both sides of the equation by 2 gives x = 2 * 5 = 10.
Therefore, there were initially 10 crackers on the table. Answer: \boxed{10}.