How did the environment influence the cultures of the Northwest and Southwest?

in 4 sentences

The environment played a significant role in shaping the cultures of the Northwest and Southwest regions of the United States. In the Northwest, the abundance of natural resources like fish, berries, and timber contributed to a culture heavily focused on hunting, fishing, and gathering. Their unique environment also led to the development of elaborate artistic and ceremonial practices, such as totem poles and potlatches.

In contrast, the arid desert landscape of the Southwest influenced the culture of the Native American tribes living there. The scarcity of water and limited agriculture opportunities meant that their societies had to rely heavily on irrigation systems and trade networks. This led to the development of complex agricultural practices, like terraced farming and the cultivation of crops like corn, beans, and squash. Additionally, the desert environment encouraged the construction of adobe dwellings, such as the iconic Pueblo structures, and the development of intricate weaving and pottery traditions.