What is NOT true of limited government?

1. Limited government does not mean an absence of government altogether. It refers to a government that is limited in its powers and functions, but still has a role in securing and protecting the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

2. Limited government does not imply a lack of regulations or laws. While limited government aims to minimize unnecessary regulations and interference in individuals' lives, it recognizes the need for certain laws and regulations to maintain order, protect public safety, and prevent abuse.

3. Limited government does not advocate for unregulated free-market capitalism. While limited government typically supports economic freedom, it recognizes the importance of regulation and oversight to prevent monopolies, unfair practices, and protect consumers.

4. Limited government does not mean a disregard for social welfare or public goods. While limited government focuses on individual rights and liberties, it recognizes the need for some collective services and the promotion of the general welfare, such as infrastructure, public education, and healthcare.

5. Limited government does not guarantee a static or unchanging society. Limited government recognizes the need for societal and constitutional amendments to adapt to changing times, address social injustices, and protect individual rights, while still adhering to constitutional principles.