On the weekends, Brody teaches arts and crafts to kids. His Saturday class used a total of 45 pom-poms and 84 wooden craft sticks for the project. Now, Brody is preparing the supplies for his Sunday class. He needs 15 pom-poms.

If Brody uses the same ratio of pom-poms to wooden craft sticks, how many craft sticks will he need for Sunday's class?

The ratio of pom-poms to craft sticks is 45/84.

To find the number of craft sticks for Sunday's class, we need to set up the following proportion:
45/84 = 15/x.
Cross multiplying, we get 45*x = 84*15.
Simplifying the equation, we get 45x = 1260.
Dividing both sides by 45, we get x = 28.
Therefore, Brody will need 28 craft sticks for Sunday's class. Answer: \boxed{28}.