The area of the playground is 204 yd^2. The width of the playground is 5 yd longer than its length. Find the Length and Width of the playground.

Let x be the length of the playground.

The width of the playground is x + 5.
The area of the playground is x * (x + 5) = 204 yd^2.
x^2 + 5x = 204 yd^2.
x^2 + 5x - 204 = 0.
Factor the quadratic equation: (x + 17)(x - 12) = 0.
So the possible solutions are x = -17 or x = 12.
Since the length cannot be negative, the length of the playground is 12 yd.
The width of the playground is 12 + 5 = 17 yd. Answer: \boxed{12, 17}.