Jerrica is packing a box that can hold at most 65 pounds. She starts by putting a container in the box that weighs 26 pounds. She plans to fill the rest of the box with books. Each book she places in the box weighs 1.3 pounds. Write an inequality for the number of books Jerrica can put in the box, and describe the solutions. (2 points)


Let's say Jerrica can put x number of books in the box.

The weight of the container is 26 pounds, and the weight of each book is 1.3 pounds. Since the box can hold at most 65 pounds, the inequality to represent the situation is:

26 + 1.3x ≤ 65

This inequality states that the total weight of the container and books must be less than or equal to 65 pounds.

To find the solution, we need to solve the inequality for x:

1.3x ≤ 65 - 26
1.3x ≤ 39
x ≤ 39 / 1.3
x ≤ 30

The solution to this inequality tells us that Jerrica can put at most 30 books in the box while keeping the total weight below or equal to 65 pounds.