Simplify (4xy^2)^3(xy)^5

To simplify the expression, we can use the property of exponents that states (a^m)^n = a^(m*n).

Applying this property to the given expression, we have:

(4xy^2)^3 * (xy)^5
= (4^3 * x^3 * (y^2)^3) * (x^5 * y^5)
= 64x^3y^6 * x^5y^5

Now, we can simplify the expression by multiplying the coefficients (64 * 1 = 64) and combining the variables with the same bases:

= 64 * x^(3+5) * y^(6+5)
= 64x^8y^11

Therefore, the simplified expression is 64x^8y^11.