if your boyfriend doesn't pay attention to you sometimes what do you do

If your boyfriend doesn't pay attention to you sometimes, here are some steps you can consider:

1. Communication: Talk to your boyfriend about how you feel, expressing your concerns or hurt feelings. Be honest and let him know that you would appreciate more attention or quality time together.

2. Find the right time: Choose an appropriate time and place to have a calm and productive conversation. Avoid accusatory language and instead focus on expressing your emotions and needs.

3. Active listening: After sharing your thoughts, allow your boyfriend to respond and actively listen to what he has to say. Understanding his perspective can help you find common ground and resolve the issue.

4. Seek compromise: Discuss and find ways to meet each other halfway. You can both agree on specific quality time, date nights, or activities that you both enjoy and that allow you to connect more.

5. Give some space: Understand that everyone needs their own personal time or space occasionally. Respect his privacy and independence, but also express your need for attention when it feels necessary.

6. Engage in your own interests: While waiting for your boyfriend's attention, focus on pursuing your own hobbies, passion, or friendships. By investing time in yourself, you can maintain a healthy level of independence and happiness.

7. Evaluate the relationship: If the lack of attention becomes a recurring issue and your needs are consistently being neglected, it may be necessary to reassess the relationship. Healthy relationships require consistent effort and consideration from both parties.

Remember, open and honest communication is key in addressing relationship concerns.