fancy words to use when delivering a speech

1. Enigmatic - mysterious or difficult to understand

2. Prolific - producing many works or achieving great success
3. Serendipity - the occurrence of fortunate events by chance
4. Paradigm - a typical example or pattern
5. Ubiquitous - present or found everywhere
6. Eloquent - fluent and persuasive in speaking or writing
7. Zealous - intensely passionate or enthusiastic
8. Mitigate - to make less severe or intense
9. Exacerbate - to make a problem, situation, or feeling worse
10. Quintessence - the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
11. Pristine - in its original condition; unspoiled
12. Exemplary - serving as a desirable model or ideal
13. Superfluous - unnecessary, more than what is needed
14. Verbose - using more words than necessary; long-winded
15. Resilient - able to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks
16. Euphoria - a feeling of intense happiness or excitement
17. Lucid - expressed clearly; easy to understand
18. Panacea - a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
19. Melancholy - a feeling of sadness with no obvious cause
20. Eccentric - unconventional or slightly strange