B r y a n sells cars he makes a salary of $500 a week plus $150 for every car he sells this week he wants to make at least $2,000 how many cars does he need to sell write an equation and solve

Let's consider the number of cars Bryan needs to sell as 'x'. According to the problem, he makes $150 for every car he sells. Therefore, the total amount of money he earns from selling cars is 150x. Additionally, he earns a salary of $500 a week. So, the total amount of money he earns in a week is given by the equation:

Total earnings = Salary + (Amount earned per car x Number of cars sold)
Total earnings = $500 + ($150 x x)

The problem states that Bryan wants to make at least $2,000. We can set up the equation as follows:

$500 + ($150x) ≥ $2,000

To solve this equation, we need to isolate the variable 'x' on one side of the equation. Let's start by subtracting $500 from both sides:

($150x) ≥ $2,000 - $500
$150x ≥ $1,500

Next, we divide both sides of the equation by $150 to solve for 'x':

($150x)/$150 ≥ $1,500/$150
x ≥ 10

Therefore, Bryan needs to sell at least 10 cars to make at least $2,000.