doug has been wondering where 24 hours in a day goes. on Monday he 1/3 of the day sleeping, 1/4 of the day in school, and 1/8 of the day at soccer practice. how much time was left for other activities?

To find out how much time was left for other activities, we need to subtract the time Doug spent sleeping, at school, and at soccer practice from 24 hours.

Sleeping: 1/3 of 24 hours = (1/3) * 24 = 8 hours
School: 1/4 of 24 hours = (1/4) * 24 = 6 hours
Soccer practice: 1/8 of 24 hours = (1/8) * 24 = 3 hours

Total time spent on these activities = 8 hours + 6 hours + 3 hours = <<8+6+3=17>>17 hours

Therefore, the amount of time Doug had left for other activities is 24 hours - 17 hours = <<24-17=7>>7 hours. Answer: \boxed{7}.