If △PQR∼△JKL, which statements are correct

To determine which statements are correct, we need to know the properties of similar triangles. Here are some properties of similar triangles:

1) Corresponding angles are congruent.
2) Corresponding sides are proportional.
3) The ratios of corresponding sides are equal.

Based on these properties, we can determine the correct statements:

- The measure of angle P is equal to the measure of angle J. (This follows from property 1)
- The measure of angle Q is equal to the measure of angle K. (This follows from property 1)

- The ratio of the lengths of side PQ to side JK is equal to the ratio of the lengths of side QR to side KL. (This follows from property 3)

Some additional statements may also be correct depending on the specific details of the triangles:

- Side PQ is parallel to side JK. (If the triangles are similar and have corresponding angles, but not necessarily proportional sides, then this statement could be correct. This would imply that the triangles are similar but not necessarily congruent.)

Without further information, we cannot determine whether the following statements are correct:

- The lengths of side PQ and side JK are equal. (This statement assumes congruence, not just similarity.)
- Side PQ is congruent to side JK. (This statement assumes congruence, not just similarity.)

In general, when working with similar triangles, it is essential to understand the properties of similarity and congruence to determine which statements are correct.