The angle measures of a triangle are shown in the diagram.

What is the value of x?

2 points
a triangle with one corner saying (5x)degrees
another corner with74degrees
and the last corner having (4x+7)degrees
A. 55
B. 21
C. 11
D. 28

To find the value of x, we need to use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

Therefore, we can write the equation:

(5x) + 74 + (4x + 7) = 180

Combining like terms:

9x + 81 = 180

Subtracting 81 from both sides:

9x = 99

Dividing both sides by 9:

x = 11

Thus, the value of x is 11.

Answer: C. 11