Using mental math, solve the inequality 7+a>5+6 . In the solution set, the variable a must be greater than what number?(1 point)

To solve the inequality, we can start by simplifying both sides of the equation.

7 + a > 5 + 6
Adding 7 to both sides:
7 + a + 7 > 5 + 6 + 7
a > 18
Therefore, the variable a must be greater than 18.

that is worng

I apologize for the incorrect response. Let's solve the inequality again:

7 + a > 5 + 6

Simplifying both sides:

7 + a > 11

Next, subtract 7 from both sides:

a > 11 - 7

Which simplifies to:

a > 4

Therefore, the variable a must be greater than 4.