Multiple Choice

Find the degree of the monomial 6p^3q^2

1. C - 5

2. B - 13t^2 + 17
3. B - 12p^8 + 21p^7 + 12p^5 + 3p^4
4. A - 9(2s - 7)
5. D - 25x^6 - 4
6. A - x^2 + 12x +35
7. D - 4z^2 - 12z + 9
8. A - 8w^6(5w^5 + 2)

The degree of a monomial is the sum of the exponents of the variables.

In the monomial 6p^3q^2, the exponent of p is 3 and the exponent of q is 2.

The degree of the monomial is therefore 3 + 2 = 5.

The correct answer is: 5.