How does Rozaine attempt to clear his name and reveal the real Arsene Lupin, whom he calls a scoundrel? Include at least two things he does in your answer Kumon H1 Reading

In the book "Arsene Lupin" by Maurice Leblanc, Rozaine, a lawyer and friend of the main character, attempts to clear his name and reveal the real Arsene Lupin, whom he believes to be a scoundrel. He employs various strategies, two of which are outlined below:

1. Gathering evidence against Lupin: Rozaine dedicates himself to collecting evidence against Lupin, trying to find definitive proof of his criminal activities. He diligently investigates Lupin's past crimes, studying crime scenes and analyzing any relevant information. In doing so, Rozaine uncovers details about Lupin's methods and patterns, which helps him to build a case against him. By gathering this evidence, Rozaine aims to present a strong case to the authorities and expose Lupin's true nature as a scoundrel.

2. Enlisting the help of others: Realizing that the task of exposing Lupin cannot be achieved alone, Rozaine seeks assistance from various allies. He reaches out to his friends, fellow lawyers, and even law enforcement officials, briefing them about his findings and suspicions. By collaborating with others, Rozaine hopes to gather additional evidence, gain different perspectives, and strengthen his case against Lupin. Moreover, involving influential individuals ensures that Rozaine's claims carry more weight and credibility, increasing the chances of revealing Lupin's true identity.

By combining his own investigative efforts with the support of others, Rozaine endeavors to clear his name and bring to light the misdeeds of Arsene Lupin, the scoundrel. These actions showcase his determination and commitment to obtaining justice and protecting his reputation.