law preventing _________ companies from buying _________ land (Unit 2 Lesson 8 page 24)

There is no specific information provided in the given context to determine the exact answer. Please provide more details or context for a more accurate response.

js give me any answer that is correct for that

A law preventing foreign companies from buying agricultural land.

Who pushed for railroad regulation and created the Texas Railroad Commission? ___________________ js put the answer and nothing else

James Stephen Hogg

do the same for thisWhat did the commission oversee? ______________________________________________________________

The commission oversaw the regulation of railroads, oil and gas production, and telecommunications in Texas.

How did this help farmers, shipping companies, and ranchers? ______________________________________

By overseeing and regulating railroads, the Texas Railroad Commission ensured fair and reasonable rates for transportation of goods, which benefited farmers, shipping companies, and ranchers. This helped to prevent monopolistic practices and provided equal access to transportation services, making it more affordable and efficient for agricultural producers to get their products to market.

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