The romantic period of music was known for?

Is vibrant and unexpected key changes
Little use of dynamic changes
Few notable composers
Minimal sense of storytelling

The information provided is incorrect regarding the characteristics of the Romantic period of music. The Romantic period, which spanned from the late 18th century to the early 20th century, was known for:

1. Emotional and expressive melodies: Composers of this period aimed to evoke strong emotions and individual expression through their music.

2. Expanded orchestras: The Romantic era saw a significant increase in the size and scope of orchestras, often including larger brass and woodwind sections, which allowed composers to explore a wider range of sounds.

3. Dynamic changes: The Romantic period featured a wide range of dynamic contrasts, from delicate pianissimos to powerful fortissimos, offering a more dramatic and expressive range of dynamics.

4. Notable composers: The Romantic period produced many iconic composers such as Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Frederic Chopin, Franz Liszt, Johannes Brahms, Richard Wagner, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, and Gustav Mahler, among others.

5. Sense of storytelling: Romantic composers often used music as a way to tell stories or convey specific narrative themes, often drawing inspiration from literature, nature, and personal experiences.

In summary, the Romantic period of music was characterized by emotional and expressive melodies, expanded orchestras, dynamic changes, numerous notable composers, and a strong sense of storytelling in their compositions.