In your journal, you identified careers that involve irrational numbers. You brainstormed or researched jobs that use pi or Euler’s number to do their work.

Imagine that your friend loves to plan parties, and he wants to be an event planner someday. He does not think he needs to know how to find a number between two rational numbers. He also says he will never use pi again in his life after math class. You think of some of the tasks he might need to do as an event planner:

Decide how many cakes to order when a party could have as few as 50 people and as many as 100 people.
Choose a round table that is the correct size to fit six people.
Make a prediction about how much to budget for the decorations at a party when the customer is still deciding between $10 floral arrangements and $30 floral arrangements.
In your post, explain to your friend how he will use the skill of finding a number between two rational numbers in his dream career:

Choose one of the examples from the list above, and represent the example with a mathematical statement.
Summarize to your friend why he will need both rational and irrational numbers as an event planner.

Dear friend,

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to talk to you about your dream career as an event planner. While it's great that you love planning parties, I believe there are some mathematical skills that will come in handy for you in this profession. One such skill is finding a number between two rational numbers.

Let's take the example of deciding how many cakes to order for a party that could have as few as 50 people and as many as 100 people. In order to make an accurate decision, you will need to find a number between these two rational numbers to determine the appropriate quantity of cakes. For instance, you might find that ordering 75 cakes would be a reasonable estimate, as it falls between the given range of people expected at the party.

This skill is crucial because event planning involves making well-informed decisions based on available information. By finding a number between two rational numbers, you can ensure that your plans are tailored to the specific requirements of each event. It helps you optimize your choices and make arrangements that are suitable for the given circumstances.

Now, let me address your reluctance towards pi and Euler's number. While you might think that you'll never use pi again after math class, it's actually quite the opposite. As an event planner, you may need to consider the size and shape of tables to accommodate a certain number of people. For example, when choosing a round table that can fit six people, you might need to calculate the table circumference using pi to ensure everyone has enough space.

In terms of Euler's number, though it may not come up as frequently in your field, it is still an important mathematical constant used in various calculations and modeling. For instance, when predicting the budget for decorations at a party, you might need to apply mathematical models or make calculations that involve exponential growth or decay. In these cases, Euler's number could be quite helpful.

In summary, as an event planner, you will need to utilize both rational and irrational numbers in your work. The ability to find a number between two rational numbers will assist you in making accurate estimations and decisions regarding quantities, while an understanding of irrational numbers like pi and Euler's number will play a role in calculations and considerations related to space, size, and modeling.

I hope you find this explanation insightful and consider incorporating these mathematical skills into your career as an event planner. Good luck with your pursuits, and if you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to me.

Best regards,
[Your Name]


Hey friend,

I wanted to talk to you about your dream career as an event planner. While planning parties is fantastic, I believe there are important mathematical skills that will be useful for you in this profession. One skill is finding a number between two rational numbers.

For example, when deciding how many cakes to order for a party with a range of 50 to 100 people, finding a number between those two rational numbers will help you make an accurate decision. It ensures that you can plan accordingly and provide the right amount of cakes, like ordering 75 cakes as a reasonable estimate.

Using this skill is essential in event planning as it allows you to make well-informed decisions based on the available information, optimizing your choices for each event's specific requirements.

Now, regarding your hesitation towards pi and Euler's number, they are more relevant than you realize. As an event planner, you might need to consider the size and shape of tables to accommodate a certain number of people. This might involve using pi to calculate table circumference, ensuring enough space for everyone.

Additionally, Euler's number can be useful in certain calculations and modeling situations related to decorations' budget predictions. It might come up when dealing with exponential growth or decay, providing valuable insights.

In summary, as an event planner, you will utilize both rational and irrational numbers. Finding a number between two rationals helps with accurate estimations, while understanding irrational numbers like pi and Euler's number aids in calculations and considerations involving space, size, and modeling.

I encourage you to incorporate these mathematical skills into your career as an event planner. Good luck, and let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

shorten a large amount

Hey friend,

As an event planner, mathematical skills are crucial. One skill you'll need is finding a number between two rational numbers. For example, when deciding how many cakes to order for a party with a range of 50 to 100 people, finding a number between those two rational numbers helps you make an accurate decision.

You'll also need to understand pi and Euler's number. Pi helps you calculate table circumference, ensuring enough space for the desired number of people. Euler's number comes into play when making predictions or calculations related to decorations' budget.

In summary, both rational and irrational numbers are essential in event planning. They assist with accurate estimations, space considerations, and budget predictions.

Good luck with your event planning career!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

shorten a very huge amount

Hey friend,

As an event planner, you'll need math skills. One important skill is finding a number between two rational numbers. For example, when deciding how many cakes to order for a party with 50 to 100 guests, finding a number between those two rational numbers helps you make the right choice.

Understanding numbers like pi and Euler's number is also helpful. Pi helps you calculate table size, while Euler's number is useful for budget predictions.

In summary, as an event planner, both rational and irrational numbers are important. They help with estimations, space planning, and budgeting.

Good luck with your career!

Best regards,
[Your Name]