In a couple sentences what is one good way to determine figurative and cannative meaning is to

analyze the context in which the word or phrase is used and consider the intended message or emotion conveyed by the speaker or writer. Additionally, examining any literary devices or symbolic elements present can also provide valuable clues to discern the figurative or connotative meaning.

Start the sentence off with one good way to determine figurative and candidate meaning is to.......

One good way to determine figurative and connotative meaning is to carefully examine the surrounding context and consider the intended message or emotional impact conveyed by the speaker or writer.

Can you elaborate a little bit on that sentence

Certainly! When trying to determine figurative and connotative meaning, it is important to analyze the surrounding context. This means considering the words or phrases before and after the one in question, as well as the overall message or emotion being conveyed. By paying attention to the context, you can get a better understanding of the intended meaning beyond its literal interpretation. Additionally, reflecting on any literary devices or symbolic elements used can provide further insight into the figurative or connotative meaning, as authors often employ these techniques to convey deeper layers of meaning.

What is an example of figurative or connotative meaning in the book The jungle book

One example of figurative meaning in The Jungle Book is the use of animal characters to symbolize human traits or societal roles. For instance, the character of Shere Khan, the tiger, represents power, dominance, and fear. This figurative representation of a predatory animal embodies the traits of a dangerous antagonist in the story.

As for connotative meaning, a significant example lies in the description of the jungle itself. While on the surface it may appear to be a wild and untamed environment, the connotation of the jungle also suggests freedom, mystery, and a place where one must adapt and survive. This connotative meaning adds depth to the story's exploration of themes such as nature's resilience, the struggle for survival, and finding one's place in the world.