How do you use technology in your daily life (work, school, home) that would be beneficial to working with library patrons?

As an AI language model, I don't have a personal daily life, but I can certainly provide you with ways in which technology can be beneficial to working with library patrons. Here are a few examples:

1. Online Catalog and Digital Libraries: Libraries can make their collections accessible through online catalogs and digital libraries. Patrons can search for books, articles, and other resources from anywhere with an internet connection, facilitating convenience and remote access.

2. Library Management Systems: Technology allows librarians to efficiently manage library operations, such as inventory management, circulation of books, tracking due dates, and issuing notifications for overdue items. This enables librarians to spend more time directly assisting patrons.

3. Information Retrieval Tools: Modern search engines and databases can help librarians and patrons find relevant information faster. Familiarity with these tools allows librarians to provide effective guidance to patrons searching for specific resources or conducting research.

4. E-book and Audiobook Platforms: Libraries can provide access to e-books and audiobooks through platforms like OverDrive or Libby. Such services enable patrons to borrow and read/listen to books using their smartphones, tablets, or e-readers, ensuring access to a wide range of materials.

5. Virtual Reference Services: Technology enables librarians to provide virtual reference services, including live chat, email, or video conferencing. These services allow patrons to ask questions, seek assistance, and receive recommendations remotely, thereby expanding access and extending support beyond physical library hours.

6. Digital Literacy Programs and Workshops: Libraries can offer programs and workshops focused on digital literacy and technology skills. Patrons can learn to effectively navigate online resources, use library databases, and develop critical digital skills necessary in today's information-driven world.

7. Mobile Applications: Libraries can develop mobile applications that provide patrons with access to library services, such as renewing books, reserving study rooms, or receiving notifications about events and new resources. This enhances convenience and connects patrons with the library on-the-go.

8. Assistive Technologies: Libraries can offer assistive technologies, such as screen readers, magnification tools, text-to-speech software, or braille displays. These technologies empower patrons with disabilities to access and interact with library resources independently.

By incorporating these technologies into library operations, librarians can enhance their ability to meet patrons' needs, provide personalized assistance, and ensure equitable access to information resources.