Solve the inequality and graph the solution on the line provided.

minus, 70, minus, 6, x, is less than or equal to, minus, 112
Attempt 1 out of 2

Inequality Notation:
Number Line:

Inequality Notation: -70 - 6x ≤ -112

Number Line:

-140 -112 -70

Solve the inequality and graph the solution on the line provided.

minus, 70, minus, 6, x, is less than or equal to, minus, 112
Attempt 1 out of 2

Inequality Notation:
Number Line:

Inequality Notation: -70 - 6x ≤ -112

Number Line:

-140 -112 -70


Apologies for the duplicate response. Let's solve the inequality step by step:

-70 - 6x ≤ -112

Step 1: To isolate the variable term, add 70 to both sides:

-6x ≤ -112 + 70


-6x ≤ -42

Step 2: To solve for x, divide both sides by -6, remembering to reverse the inequality because we are dividing by a negative number:

x ≥ -42 / -6


x ≥ 7

So the solution for the inequality is x ≥ 7. Now, let's graph the solution on the number line:

-140 -112 -70 7------------->
not shaded | solution |
less than or equal to

The shaded portion to the right of the number 7 represents the solution to the inequality x ≥ 7.

Solve the inequality and graph the solution on the line provided.

minus, 7, minus, 4, x, is greater than, 1
Attempt 1 out of 2

Inequality Notation:
Number Line:

Inequality Notation: -7 - 4x > 1

Number Line:

-1 1 7--------------->

The solution to the inequality -7 - 4x > 1 is x < -2. Let's graph this on the number line:

-1 1 7--------------->
not shaded | solution |
greater than

The shaded portion to the left of the number -2 represents the solution to the inequality x < -2.

Solve the inequality and graph the solution on the line provided.

9, plus, 4, x, is greater than or equal to, 37
Attempt 1 out of 2

Inequality Notation:
Number Line:

Inequality Notation: 9 + 4x ≥ 37

Number Line:

9 37------------------>

The solution to the inequality 9 + 4x ≥ 37 is x ≥ 7. Let's graph this on the number line:

9 37------------------>
| solution |
greater than or equal to

The shaded portion to the right of the number 7 represents the solution to the inequality x ≥ 7.