If a population consists of 10,000 individuals at time t=0 years (P0), and the annual growth rate (excess of births over deaths) is 3% (GR), what will the population be after 1, 15 and 100 years (n)? Calculate the "doubling time" for this growth rate. Given this growth rate, how long would it take for this population of 10,0000 individuals to reach 1.92 million? One equation that may be useful is:

Pt = Po * (1 + {GR/100})n

Additionally, using the current world population from the census website, calculate world population in 2100 with growth rates of 2.3% and 0.5% Why is this important?



To calculate the future population, we can use the formula:

Pt = Po * (1 + {GR/100})^n

- Pt is the future population size
- Po is the initial population size
- GR is the annual growth rate
- n is the number of years into the future

Using this formula, we can calculate the population for 1, 15, and 100 years from now.

1. After 1 year:
Pt = 10,000 * (1 + 3/100)^1
= 10,000 * 1.03
= 10,300 individuals

2. After 15 years:
Pt = 10,000 * (1 + 3/100)^15
= 10,000 * 1.03^15
= 10,000 * 1.561925
= 15,619 individuals

3. After 100 years:
Pt = 10,000 * (1 + 3/100)^100
= 10,000 * 1.03^100
= 10,000 * 2.704813
= 27,048 individuals

To calculate the "doubling time," we need to find the number of years it takes for the population to double.

Doubling Time formula:
Doubling Time = (log(2) / log(1 + (GR/100)))

Doubling Time = (log(2) / log(1 + (3/100)))
= (0.693147 / 0.014725)
≈ 47 years

Therefore, it takes approximately 47 years for the population to double at a growth rate of 3%.

To determine how long it would take for a population of 10,000 individuals to reach 1.92 million, we can rearrange the population formula:

1.92 million = 10,000 * (1 + 3/100)^n

Dividing both sides by 10,000:

192 = (1.03)^n

Taking the logarithm of both sides:

log(192) = n * log(1.03)

n = log(192) / log(1.03)
≈ 62 years

Therefore, it would take approximately 62 years for the population of 10,000 individuals to reach 1.92 million at a growth rate of 3%.

Now, let's move on to calculating the world population in 2100 using growth rates of 2.3% and 0.5%.

Using the same formula, substituting the given growth rates:

World Population in 2100 with 2.3% growth rate:
Pt = Current World Population * (1 + 2.3/100)^n

World Population in 2100 with 0.5% growth rate:
Pt = Current World Population * (1 + 0.5/100)^n

To get the current world population, we need to refer to the census website data or any reliable source that provides up-to-date information.

Calculating the world population in 2100 with specific growth rates is important as it helps us understand the potential impact of population growth on resources, infrastructure, and the environment. It allows us to plan and make informed decisions related to sustainability, urban development, and resource allocation. It also plays a crucial role in determining the future needs and challenges that may arise due to population growth.