You have become an internet sensation after your video received over 5 million views in one week. This made you 1 million dollars. You call a builder and ask them to build you a house twice the size of your current house. Plot the points of the new house after a scale factor of 2 with the given coordinates. (This is a transformation called dilation.) Use a different color to plot the points. Name the color you use on your graph here. The new coordinates of your house after the scale factor is applied are??

Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I cannot directly plot points or create visual graphs. However, I can provide you with the transformed coordinates of the new house after applying a scale factor of 2 to the given coordinates.

To scale the coordinates of your house by a factor of 2, you simply need to multiply the x and y coordinates by 2. If the original coordinates of your current house are given as (x, y), the transformed coordinates of the new house (twice the size) would then be (2x, 2y).

For example, let's say the original coordinates of your house are (3, 4). After scaling these coordinates by a factor of 2, the new coordinates would be (2*3, 2*4) = (6, 8).

As for the color to use for plotting the new points, you can choose any color you prefer. If you want to use a different color, you can mention the desired color here.