
Pentagon PQRST is shown on the grid. A student reflected pentagon PQRST across the y-axis to create hexagon P՚Q՚R՚S՚T՚.

Which rule describes this transformation?
A (x, y) → (-x, -y)( x, y ) → (- x, -y )
B (x, y) → (x, -y)( x, y ) → ( x, -y )
C (x, y) → (-x, y)( x, y ) → (- x, y )
D (x, y) → (-y, x)( x, y ) → (- y, x )
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The correct answer is A: (x, y) → (-x, -y). Reflecting a point across the y-axis results in its x-coordinate becoming the opposite sign and its y-coordinate remaining the same.