In a diagram, ∠A and ∠B are vertical angles, and ∠B is a complementary angle with ∠C. If m∠A=22°, write an equation that you can use to solve for m∠C

Vertical angles are congruent, meaning that their measures are equal. Therefore, we have:

m∠A = m∠B.

Since ∠B is a complementary angle with ∠C, the sum of their measures is 90°. Therefore, we have:

m∠B + m∠C = 90°.

Plugging in the given value of m∠A=22°, we have:

22° + m∠C = 90°.


m∠A = m∠B and m∠B + m∠C = 90°

Can u explain it a little and put only 10 words

Vertical angles are congruent, complement angles add up to 90°.