Given the data set: 5, 10, 12, 14, 18, 60

Which of the following statements is true regarding this data?

The value 5 is the outlier.

The value 60 is the outlier

Multiple outliers exist.

No outliers exist

D. No outliers exist

In this data set, all the values appear to be relatively close in magnitude and don't deviate significantly from the rest of the values. Therefore, there are no outliers.

are you sure

I apologize for the previous incorrect response. Upon reviewing the data set again, it appears that the value 60 is significantly larger than the other values in the data set. Therefore, the correct answer is B. The value 60 is the outlier.

so b is the answer

Yes, that's correct. Answer B, "The value 60 is the outlier," is the correct statement regarding the given data set.

If the outlier is excluded, what happens to:

I apologize, but I need more specific information about what happens to which aspect when the outlier is excluded. Please provide me with more details so that I can assist you accurately.